Emergency Service Unit: (869) 469-9100 or (869) 662-5811
Mon - Fri: 8.00am - 4.00pm

During an Outage

The first step is to identify whether the outage applies only to your home/business or affects your entire community.
The first step is to identify whether the outage applies only to your home/business or affects your entire community.
Only my home/business is affected
The whole neighbourhood is affected
Only my home/business is affected

My Entire Home/Business is Without Power
If your entire home/business is without power, check your circuit breakers. If any of them are off, turn them back on. If any of them trip again, or if you’re using fuses, call a licensed electrician.

Only Part of my Home/Business is Without Power
If only part of your home or business is without power, there may have been an overload (too many appliances on the same circuit) or short circuit.

Before calling an electrician, here are some things you may want to check:

  • Unplug any appliances that you suspect may have caused the overload.
  • Check your panel box for a blown fuse or tripped circuit breaker. If a circuit is in the off position or a fuse is blown, and you feel that the circuit may have been overloaded, unplug affected appliances and reset the circuit or replace the fuse. Ensure that the fuse’s rating matches the circuit. Never replace a fuse with one with a higher rating.
  • Ensure powerbars are not overloaded.
  • Ensure extension cord capacity (printed on the cord) is sufficient.
  • Repair or replace exposed wires.
  • If you are still experiencing a problem, you should contact a licensed electrician.
The whole neighbourhood is affected